12 Books To Help You Write Better Ogilvy On Advertisingby David Ogilvy Print The Boron Lettersby Gary C. Halbert Print The Adweek Copywriting Handbookby Joseph Sugarman Print The Ultimate Sales LetterAttract New Customers. Boost Your Salesby Dan S. Kennedy Print | Audiobook Scientific Advertising21 Advertising, Headline And Copywriting Techniquesby Claude C. Hopkins Print | Audiobook Trigger30 Sales Tools You Can Use to Control the Mind Of Your Prospect to Motivate, Influence, and Persuadeby Joseph Sugarman Print Breakthrough The Noise9 Rules To Capture Global Attentionby Tim Staples and Josh Young Print Overdeliverby Brian Kurtz Print | Audiobook It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want To Beby Paul Arden Print Made To Stickby Chip and Dan Heath Print InfluenceThe Psychology Of Persuasionby Robert B. Cialdini Print | Audiobook Never Split The Differenceby Chris Vos Print | Audiobook Blogs To Help You Write Better. 1, Gary Bencivenga’s Marketing Bullets 2, The Gary Halbert Letter 3, Copyhackers